Remember that surgery I was supposed to have tomorrow? The reason why I've worked my butt off for the past three weeks to get all my work done without leaving my clients in a lurch, the reason why my mom booked a flight to come help take care of me starting this Friday (and why a friend was planning to pick her up at the shuttle drop-off in Columbus that evening), the reason why my mother-in-law is flying down next week after my mom leaves, the reason why our dog is currently at her favorite boarding facility, the reason why my husband cancelled classes this week, and the reason why we have a hotel room booked in Jacksonville for the week? Yup, organizing all of that didn't involve a lot of logistics at all. So it's not a big deal at all that my surgeon came down with the flu and my surgery has been rescheduled to Feb. 13. Right? I think I've reached the capacity of what I can deal with at the moment. Try me again tomorrow.